Lauren Christine Cimorelli
Name: Lauren Christine Cimorelli
Birthday: August 12, 1998
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color: Dark Brown
Residence: California
Favourite food: Spaghetti
Favourite song: 'Stuck in the Moment' by Justin Bieber
Favourite TV show: iCarly
Favourite color: Blue and yellow
Favourite 1D member: Niall and Liam
Favourite store: Forever 21 and Dove Culture
Favourite JonasBrothers song: S.O.S
Favourite RyanBeatty song: 'Hey L.A.' and 'Pretending'
Favourite fruit: Watermelon
Favourite animal: Panda and koala
Favourite book: 'The Silver Crown' by Robert C. O'Brien
Favourite Disney movie: The Beauty and the Beast
Favourite hobby: Drawing or painting
Like to perform with: Cody Simpson
Most embrassing moment:
I forgot the words onstage!
Like to go on vacation to: The Bahama's
Super power would be: Shapeshifting
When she was little she wanted to be a professional skateboarder.
Birthday: August 12, 1998
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Brown
Hair color: Dark Brown
Residence: California
Favourite food: Spaghetti
Favourite song: 'Stuck in the Moment' by Justin Bieber
Favourite TV show: iCarly
Favourite color: Blue and yellow
Favourite 1D member: Niall and Liam
Favourite store: Forever 21 and Dove Culture
Favourite JonasBrothers song: S.O.S
Favourite RyanBeatty song: 'Hey L.A.' and 'Pretending'
Favourite fruit: Watermelon
Favourite animal: Panda and koala
Favourite book: 'The Silver Crown' by Robert C. O'Brien
Favourite Disney movie: The Beauty and the Beast
Favourite hobby: Drawing or painting
Like to perform with: Cody Simpson
Most embrassing moment:
I forgot the words onstage!
Like to go on vacation to: The Bahama's
Super power would be: Shapeshifting
When she was little she wanted to be a professional skateboarder.
You are so beautiful. I love you so much Lauren. You and katherine and dani are my favorites. And lisa of course. Your so quiet though. You sing better now. Especially in your new made in america song. You were the best!!!!! :)