Danielle Nicole Cimorelli

Danielle Nicole Cimorelli

Name: Danielle Nicole Cimorelli
Birthday: June 15, 2000
Gender: Female
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Dark Brown
Residence: California
Favourite food: Mango's
Favourite film: Megamind
Favourite song: 'Oh, Yeah' by Big Time Rush
Favourite TV show: Big Time Rush
Favourite color: Pink
Favourite 1D member: Liam and Zayn
Favourite 1D song from UAN: : 'WMYB' and 'One Thing'
Favourite smell: Fruity candles
Like to perform with: Big Time Rush
Most embarassing moment:
I blocked that out of my memory
Would like to go on vacation to: Atlantis Resort in the Caribbean
Super power would be: Be able to transport anywhere like Kurt from X-Men

1 comment:

  1. I love Dani so much. You are also one of my favorites. Can i do a cover with you guys?
